USA Today newspaper chain pushes new world religion (6/94) The following is from Christian Crusade Newspaper, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102, in its 42nd year of publication. We can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on Compuserve at 72204,541, and via the Internet as . by Keith Wilkerson, editor What some fear is emerging as the new, pagan, world religion received an unexpected endorsement from the Gannett Corporation, acording to Media Monitor. Gannett is America's largest newspaper chain and owns such newspapers as USA Today, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Des Moines Register-Tribune, the Reno Evening Gazette, Florida Today, the Knoxville Journal, the El Paso Times, Tuscon Citizen, the Pacific Daily News, the Idaho Statesman, and the Oakland Tribune -- as well as more than 100 others and a number of TV stations "Gannett is much bigger than USA Today," wriote Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid of the press watchdog group Accuracy in the Media. "It runs scores of papers around the country and its USA Weekend magazine appears in hundreds of newspapers around the country. "This magazine appears to have gone off the deep end É" USA Today has invited readers to send away to the Gannett headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, for a free copy of the final declaration of unity issued by the Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago last September. Only the most theologically liberal Catholics, such as the controversial Hans Kung, were represented at the event, which was shunned by evangelicals. The Southern Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God Churches declined their invitations. In the middle of the week, the official Greek Orthodox delegation withdrew and several Jewish delegations walked out, in part because of the prominence given to a number of obscure groups of witches, pagans and occultists. "But none of that bothered Gannett," wrote Irvine and Kincaid, "which seemed eager to get copies of the final conference document into the hands of the gullible. All that was required was a stamped, self-addressed envelope. "USA Weekend reporter Cathryn Creno tried to justify her focus on this nonsense by noting that other more important papers had covered this material in a positive manner. She said, 'In the past few years, serious articles about Wicca have appeared in Newsweek, New York Newsday, and the New York Times. The Times even praised Wicca in an editorial, saying it promotes values "as profoundly humane as motherhood itself."' It doesn't seem to matter that this is at variance with traditional religion. Pope John Paul II, for instance, has publicly attacked Wicca and goddess worship, saying they undermine Christianity. "You would never catch the New York Times or Gannett hawking the writings of the Pope or any other traditional religious figure," noted Media Monitor. "But when a New Age gathering produces a spiritual-sounding but counterfeit document, Gannett uses its clout in an effort to distribute copies nationally." WHAT IS CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER? Christian Crusade Newspaper is in its 42nd year, has a worldwide circulation and is published by Christian Crusade, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. It is mailed to subscribers without charge as a result of the conviction of its founder not to put a price-tag on the gospel. For a free subscription, just ask. Although Dr. Hargis no longer travels, editor-in-chief Keith Wilkerson accepts speaking invitations. Both can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on GEnie as K.Wilkerson3, via the Internet as, and on Compuserve at 72204,541.